some stories are so funny; we laugh until we cry and some stories are so sad we cry before we finish, but all stories need to be told...

Tuesday, November 9, 2010

cauliflower & collards

yesterday was one of those days- one of the uninspiring ones- it started cold & dank- i tried to get out early, before the rain- and was pelted with sleet. all the while walking i thought "this isn't good" and i longed for my warm bed (never that relaxing during the day as our 3 year old lurks about ('lurk' isn't the right word either- more "lives loudly about" would better describe him) our home- but a girl can dream that it would've been warm & quiet and relaxing).
it was only the second day of daylight savings and already i've had enough of bright sunny mornings - really what's the point of a bright sunny morning when it is so f'ing cold you can't go out into it? i despise the bright sunny mornings- they are a tease- and just when you get yourself into the bright sunny mindset- 5pm rolls around and the sun, like your spirits, is sinking.
sly & i spent part of the day, as we do- planning- reading- pouring over articles in old magazines and cookbooks-  working on new ideas to add to our repertoire. the subject of dinner came up; which one would think in a house where two people love to cook- would be the subject du jour. "dinner? yes, how lovely, i was thinking, capers sauteed in butter- with root vegetables and garlic" and a response "really, because i was thinking something lovely and roasted in the oven with fresh bread and greens".
no. uh uh. no way. nyet. nein. non. it isn't like that.
dinner is a topic we like to avoid; apparently, too early in the day, every day, i make too big of a deal out of it. and sly doesn't love to talk about it- he likes to just let it happen. i don't like living that way- the "just go with it, let it find itself way" but i am really really trying.
so sly doesn't love to plan dinner and he isn't usually the one to say "hey, lets go out today!"
as i began, yesterday was weird- and the next occurrence made it doubly so. around 2 o'clock sly got dressed and said "i'll be back". normally, like a small child watching their favorite parent ready to leave, i would panic and quickly try to dress so that i too could go, but as i mentioned, yesterday was strange- i didn't really care that he was going.
sly left and i stayed - with the kid- we did blocks and puzzles and colored- we played computer games and i actually had a moment where i thought "okay, the winter won't be that bad" until i looked at the clock and realized it was only 2:45.
sly got home around 5- in a flurry with bags he was excited.- he had gotten two new 1/2 sheet pans- which is exciting (any new equipment is always fun & inspiring) and he had gotten cauliflower and collards.
honestly? two years ago, i probably would've gone into our room and quietly cried- or i would've been bitchy- and said something smarmy dripping with sarcasm, like "oooo, cauliflower & collards- yum, thanks for including me in tonight's dinner plans".- but i held my tongue, when it comes to food and life, i've learned to trust sly. plus he was excited.
i left the kitchen- i always offer to prep for him- an excuse to just be around him- to be close to him- but he said 'no thanks'- so i went to find my 3 year old playmate and we "did" trains.
i heard chopping 
and the burr mixer
and then i smelled heaven.
sly had burred garlic &  olive oil, fresh thyme and scallions- he quartered the cauliflower and made a rub with the fragrant puree, finishing with salt- he put the cauliflower on the new sheet pans and into the oven.
he julienned onions and minced more garlic and ginger- in a hot pan of sesame oil he sauteed the collards with tamari & rice wine vinegar.
we took frozen homemade kalmata & marmarbirlik olive focaccia from the freezer- and i made kasmati rice. 
we feasted like royalty.
the house smelled amazing
the food was fragrant and divine. the roasted cauliflower was nutty - and not ever my favorite vegetable- not even a top twenty- i cleaned my plate and the serving bowl with bits of focaccia and then my fingers.
it was comforting. 
as i got up to do the dishes i thought, maybe winter won't be so bad, afterall.

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