some stories are so funny; we laugh until we cry and some stories are so sad we cry before we finish, but all stories need to be told...

Monday, November 22, 2010


you know how you love something- like pizza or sex and for an amazing few minutes in your life you have it everyday?
then- things change.
the pizza place changes hands or goes out of business.
your three year old makes regular middle of the night appearances in your room and you are too tired to do much more than move over and let him climb between you and the very hot west indian you are so very fortunate to live with?
you know how that happens?
well, we've been a little busy with some orders and we've been baking- but given the holiday- we've been baking specific; like pumpkin bread with drunken cranberries (ooo and a jaggery star anise topping) and focaccias (which make excellent h'ors douvres, side dishes, or if you are a vegetarian, you could forgo the turkey and eat focaccia instead- that is my plan- if only sly could make one in the shape of a turkey) and apple bread- you know, thanksgiving fodder.
today, we got an order for something un-thanksgiving-ish  and something, therefore, that we haven't made in a while.  cocoa ginger bread with bittersweet cocoa and crystallized ginger nibs.
can i get an amen?
it smells so good in here- orgasmic- if i may be so bold.
luckily, we've developed a method where we make a teeny piece of whatever it is we are baking (hello big stomach and ginormo thighs)- so we can "test" it to ensure it is good enough to go.
i was going to wait for sly to get home
but i couldn't control myself
aaaaaaAAAAAaaaahhhhh  aaaAAAAaaaaahhh (remember the song ariel sings in the beginning of the little mermaid?)
it is amazing
it is so so so good
i sit here in awe of myself and wonder how it is that we are not famous.....
and i'm not just saying "it's good" to make the bread feel confident. this isn't something you should lie about- honesty is an integral ingredient in ensuring satisfaction.
i am satisfied.

something remembered.
something good revived.
who knows what else will change?
maybe tonight we will have pizza.
maybe tonight the 3 year old will sleep in his own bed.

possibilities are always endless

1 comment:

  1. eve-

    i noticed you were following my stupid stuff is the most fun i have writing, but i also have a more tame blog as well...

    i will be giving you some bloglove on my next post cuz that is how i roll...

    blog karma is big...

    oh and btw i love your style and content and am follower number 3...and that's a magic number!!!

